by Erik John Bertel | Apr 15, 2008 | The Blog
If you want some real fun check this post out and link from my fundamentalist friend Tom. This Creationist site is off the wall and really, I get my best material from the fundamentalists in the audience: I just prayed for you. Check this out if you want to win...
by Erik John Bertel | Apr 10, 2008 | The Blog
The Creationist and Intelligent design crowd has some explaining to do about this transitional missing link for snakes. Of course this missing link, the feathered dinosaurs and the cetacean mesonychids fossils, well let’s face it, nothing satisfies the...
by Erik John Bertel | Apr 9, 2008 | The Blog
I tell you I get all kinds. The following rambling diatribe and its collective pearls of wisdom is kind of a norm for some of these Creationist folks. Let’s have a look at what we are dealing with in this classic comment from the retarded form of religion as Dr....
by Erik John Bertel | Apr 7, 2008 | The Blog
Creationists are fond to equate Darwinism with eugenics and fascism as they dangle the fear of Nazi state led eugenics programs in front of the faces of the unsophisticated. Of course, much of the eugenics under the Nazi regime was little more than your old-fashioned...
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