Ben Stein is a Genius: Not!

Since I haven’t blogged for a while I thought I would respond to this annoying comment from Sean regarding Ben stein and Expelled: “I have seen the movie and it was quite fascinating. The reason this movie isn’t popular is because it IS a documentary....

Why There Are No Expelled and Ben Stein Bootlegs

There is an easy way to measure the success of any studio movie and that is by measuring how many bootleg copies there are out there on the street. You know think Jerry Seinfeld and they range in quality from pre-studio release copies to poor copies taken by Kramer...

Expelled And Ben Stein’s Hate Mongering

This is the part of the ID argument that is disingenuous.  “It’s also true that the theory (evolution) lends itself to justify atheism, abortion, euthanasia, and eugenics” –as Stein points out. Here is another quote from Mr. Stein, “Love of God and compassion...