I think I am witnessing the end of American civilization as I  know it. Americans continues to insist on being fed stupid rhetoric during election time and we come back asking for more from our supposed leaders.

Here is some of the stupid banalities we are being force fed and that we have begun to accept without question:

1. Only God fearing Christians are good and qualified to lead this country. This country was founded by Christian ideals and atheists need not apply. Average Americans act like they never heard of ancient Greece and democracy even though our founding fathers were steeped in the traditions of Socrates and Plato.  Talk about elitists! There is no such thing as a good atheists.

2. Greed and speculation is good and the government should just step out of the way that is until the system collapses of its own corruption.

3. Any foreign diplomatic solution short of war is appeasement and is a failure of the American spirit.

4. If you disagree with me you are not a true American.

5. Fairness is implied because you are born in America.

6. If you think too much you are part of the problem and are probably an elitist/socialist.

7. Only dumb-asses know what is good for Americans and thus are only qualified for leadership.

8. If I can’t have a beer with you or talk to you during my kid’s soccer game you are not qualified to lead.

9. Liberals, atheists and agnostics are all going to hell and need not apply for candidacy.

10. All of the problems with the US are directly attributable to liberals, atheists, illegal immigrants and lazy minorities.

11. With a lot of determination anybody can succeed in the US and become rich.  The American economy is the Lotto of the free enterprise system you just got to play it to win it! If you’re not rich it’s because you ae lazy or you didn’t want it enough.

12. Joe the plumber is an average American who wants to succeed at starting a small business and is not an opportunist.

13. Sarah Palin is a bright and gutsy mavericky politician. No Hillary is she.

14. Congress sucks but not my Congressmen, that’s why I keep reelecting him.

15.  There’s no such thing as political patronage; it’s the lobbyists that are killing this country.

16. My gun protects me from criminals and the government.

17. Republicans are better than Democrats for the economy.

18. Drill baby Drill.

19.  I don’t have to pay more taxes for the Iraq war, the bailouts, rebuilding New Orleans, health care or Social Security.

20. The future is so bright if the elitists would just get out of the way.

21. Politicians can make my life better if they would just listen to me!

22. Obama is the modern day equivalent of a political savior!

Be sure to vote otherwise you have no right to complain about the results!  Otherwise, I am reminded of the old Henrik Ibsen line about “the majority is always wrong; the minority is rarely right.”