by Erik John Bertel | Jan 22, 2009 | The Blog
Now with Hillary’s confirmation as Secretary of State it won’t be long before Governor Paterson makes his selection for Hillary’s vacated Senate seat. The good new is that Caroline Kennedy is ready to step in. Caroline Kennedy? Isn’t she a...
by Erik John Bertel | Jan 20, 2009 | The Blog
Great News! The Flores Girl novel is available as a Free e-Book down loadable right from Just click here! You heard right, free and it is available in a number of popular e-Book formats such Adobe PDF, Mobi and Microsoft Reader. Amazon’s...
by Erik John Bertel | Jan 1, 2009 | The Blog
Sometimes you deserve what you get. I got duped into buying a 30GB Microsoft Zune over a year ago. Why? Well, it was only $99 at Amazon and I was traveling more. Okay, it came in the ugliest shade of brown I have ever seen but, hey did I say it only cost $99 for 30...
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