Amazing and really aggravating but a federal jury fined a woman $1.9 million for downloading 24 songs or roughly 3 albums. You heard right. That works out to $80,000 a song and it just goes to show you how big business owns both Congress and the regulators. This woman, Jammie Thomas-Rasset’s,  stole about $24 worth of songs but the fine on one song alone is bigger than the fine levied on one of Bernie Madoff’s crooked partners.  Can you imagine being fined $80,000 for a Lady Gaga song? Oh, wait that was Sheryl Crow but you get the idea.  I wonder how much Sheryl will get of this windfall?  Oops, I forgot this money is slated to go to Rep. Tom Feeney’s (ex-R-Fla.) reelection campaign.

The Recording Industry Association of America is a disgrace and like the banking industry in this country has absolutely no shame. Worse, you would think the SEC would show this type of tenacity when Bernie Made-off was stealing $60 billion dollars.  How big was the fine that was levied on the idiots who ran AIG into the ground?  Oh yeah, I forgot they got rewarded with golden parachutes instead.

And you wonder why people in this country are buying handguns at such a record pace?  They all know somebody owns Congress and its not the people!  They also know that it’s alright to steal billions from the little guys but don’t you dare steal $80 from a big industry armed to the teeth with lawyers and with a coterie of Congressmen in their slimy pockets. Oh, yeah lawyers and congressmen are basically the same species of slime aren’t they?  Wait, that’s a bit disparaging to slime, I better watch out or PETA may come after me.

Face it people, the injustice is ripe in the air and these idiots are sowing the seeds of change!   So to those in power just remember it’s good to be the king, that is until the revolution comes to town!

(Note to those with double digit IQs:  I am not advocating violence of any kind but I am a strong believer in activist democracy and recommend that we all  start by voting, that is vote for anything other than a Democrat or Republican and from there work your way up!)